Tuesday 12 March 2013

The "iPhone 5S" problem

The iPhone 5S problem

Apple may or may not release a product called the "iPhone 5S" this year. The presumption, however, fueled by Apple having previously released the 2009 iPhone 3GS-as-in-speed, and the 2011 iPhone 4S-as-in-Siri, is that 2013 will see an iPhone 5S-as-in-something update. Whether it ultimately proves real or not, the perception of a yearly update cycle and its tick-tock nature, is becoming problematic.

Between 2007 and 2010, Apple released new iPhones in late June or early July, one after the other, like clockwork. In 2011 and 2012, Apple released new iPhones in October and September respectively. While that pushed the date from summer to fall, it still kept the iPhone release window within a roughly a 3 month period. It made it predictable.

Consumers, even the kind that don't read sites like iMore every day, and don't track every rumor on the web, began to realize when new iPhones would be released. That led to a slowdown in sales for existing iPhone models just prior to the presumed next release. Apple taught people when to buy, and by extension, when not to buy.

Apple also taught competitors how to counter-program the iPhone. It's probably not a coincidence that HTC announced their next-generation Android phone, the HTC one, back in February, or that Samsung is holding their Galaxy S4 event this March. While I assume BlackBerry might have preferred their relaunch to have been sooner rather than later, they're also introducing the BlackBerry Z10 in the U.S. this spring, far from the long, fall shadow of the iPhone.

Rather than competing for attention with Apple, who continues to dominate the media cycles and best-seller lists during their launch quarter, competitors are waiting until halfway in, when the iPhone is no longer fresh, and yet still not due for a refresh.

Thanks to Apple's tick-tock product cycle, where a new design is introduced one year, and that design is iteratively updated with new internals the next year, both of those problems -- consumer presumption and competitive counter-programming -- become amplified.

When the impression is that Apple will "only" release an S-class phone in any given year, consumers might be more interested in seeing what else is out there. They might be interested in seeing something different.

While the iPhone 5 was almost entirely new from a manufacturing standpoint, because it had the same general, flat, rounded rectangle design as its predecessor, it was criticized by some consumers, and more than its fair share of tech pundits, for being boring. New unibody construction, a camera that was a feat of optical engineering, a taller, 4-inch display, and LTE -- boring. If marketing the iPhone 5 as re-revolutionary was tough, marketing an almost identical-looking iPhone 5S to the same crowd would inevitably be tougher.

Keeping the same design for two years allows Apple tremendous economies of scale, and instead of funding an entirely new phone every year, they can spend their resources on making the same phone better for the same price. That's theoretically good for everyone.

However, holding to the same design also limits what Apple can do to make the iterative iPhone "better". Making the screen bigger again would require a new casing. Adding extra radios like NFC or wireless charging could require changes to the entire package. Fingerprint scanners could complicate the current mechanisms or require other changes. Anything more aggressive than a better camera, more advanced processor, and more encompassing LTE chipset could simply be beyond the constraints of an S-style update.

In the past, to mitigate against hardware similarity, Apple has turned to software differentiation. Even if it felt arbitrary, the iPhone 3GS had video recording and the iPhone 4S had Siri. An iPhone 5S could also have some other, exclusive flagship software feature.

Competitors, however, are free to take their biggest shots at Apple during the S-years, throwing even more against the wall in an effort to see what sticks and what clicks. Whether it's digitizer-based styluses and incredibly large, ridiculously dense displays, and software that listens for you and watches your every move, anything perceived and sold as different has a better chance of standing out against anything perceived as the same, no matter how it's sold.

2013 could be especially brutal in that regard. In previous years Apple enjoyed tremendous market and media support. Even in the face of major PR stumbles like the iPhone 4 antenna, overall Apple received incredibly positive coverage. iOS 6 maps wasn't recovered from as easily or fully, and now Apple is doomed rhetoric fills Wall Street and its journals of record. In this current climate whatever iPhone is fielded this year, no matter how good it might be, Apple may have to work harder than ever before to get even a percentage of the positive coverage they enjoyed in the past.

That shift in reality distortion is benefiting competitors. Google is getting a lot of buzz for Project Glass and the Pixel, and Samsung is enjoying unprecedented mindshare for a mobile company without a fruit in its logo. They're also far, far, exceeding Apple and everyone else in the market when it comes to ad-spend. And that's working for them. They're shaping perception.

A few years ago Apple convinced the world that technology alone wasn't enough. That it was experience, not specs, that mattered. Now specs and feature lists are being hurled at Apple, and they're being accused of losing their sense of innovation, and failing to push the envelop.

The original iPhone didn't have 3G or GPS. The iPhone 3GS didn't have the larger, higher resolution screens of then cutting-edge Android phones. The iPhone 4S lacked LTE. The iPhone 5 skipped NFC. That used to cause some complaints among power users. Now even the idea that an un-announced iPhone 5S might not have a 1080p, 400+ ppi display and biometrics is pointed at by an increasingly mainstream audience as proof positive Apple has lost their way, and that other manufacturers are now leading that way.

In tick years Apple has leapt ahead with technology like Retina display. But in tock years like this one? Markets are fickle and sentiment can gain momentum. And the fear facing some iPhone users is that, in the face of all this, an "iPhone 5S" simply won't be enough.

Apple's a smart company, though. They understand the problems that come from predictability and the reality-distorting power of perception. Last year, when explaining why the iPad 3 was called the new iPad, Apple's senior vice-president of global marketing, Phil Schiller, said it was because Apple "didn't want to be predictable". Only 7 months later Apple CEO Tim Cook said they were putting the "pedal to the metal" and announced the iPad 4. They said it, and then they did it. If Apple can release two iPads (three if you count the iPad mini) in one year, what else could they do?

Rumors abound of less expensive iPhones, and of large screen iPhones. Apple has already bifurcated their tablet lineup into the 9.7-inch iPad and the 7.9-inch iPad mini. We've heard rumors that the next full-size iPad could arrive as early as this spring. If Apple chooses to, they could conceivably release one iPad now and one in fall, to better spread out the schedule. We've also heard the iPhone 5S could arrive as soon as August. Apple could also do the same thing with the iPhone, have two sizes, 4-inch and 5-inch, and eventually have spring/summer and fall releases for those as well.

And then there's that watch thing, which could directly or indirectly increase the perception of overall platform value.

Some of these rumors, like all rumors, are no doubt misinterpretations or completely baseless, and believing all of them, especially for this year, would be a mistake. But to dismiss all of them all, for all time, just because they don't fit a previous pattern, or because they sound like something Apple would never do, could be just as big a mistake.

The "iPhone 5S" problem is the idea that Apple has become predictable coupled with the perception that the next big thing might just come from somewhere else.

Breaking patterns and challenging expectations is just one way to solve that problem.

Source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/TheIphoneBlog/~3/O26lIgaVNUw/story01.htm

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Asking the Right Interview Questions | Training tampa | webinar ...

The interview is a process that can have a big impact on your company.? You are making a large investment in somebody and that somebody can either bring a lot to the table or have a negligible effect on your company. When you interview a candidate, you want to get past the two dimensional resume and get a full colored look at a ?could be? employee.? Asking the right questions is critical, but it can also be a high risk game.

You may be asking questions that seem harmless; but in reality, you could be opening yourself to discrimination lawsuits.? The question you must ask yourself while you question others is ?do my questions address job requirements??

This article clearly lays out questions to avoid and questions that are suitable for an interview.

Not Focusing on the Job Description

When determining if a question is acceptable or unacceptable, focus on the job requirements.? Base your questions on what relates to the tasks they will be performing.? Unacceptable questions pertain to anything unrelated to the job duties ? religious affiliations, lineage, national origin, ancestry, parentage, or nationality.? Avoid asking about private organizations the candidate may belong to.? Stay away from their sex, marital status, height, weight, or disabilities.

Focus on whether or not the candidate can meet the job requirements.? The rest of the story is none of your business.? When determining if the candidate will be a good fit for the company, don?t ask the following:

  • Do you have a lot of kids?? How flexible is your babysitter should we need you to come in for some overtime?
  • How young is your youngest child?
  • Are you an American?? Where were you born?
  • English doesn?t seem to be your native tongue.? What is your native language?
  • Have you ever had trouble with the law?? Any arrests?
  • Have you served in the military?? Were you honorably or dishonorably discharged?
  • Did you graduate?? If so, when?

Don?t think of these ?questions to avoid? as questions that tie your hands and limit you during the interview.? These rules will keep you from prying into their personal lives, but it will not keep you from discovering a candidate?s competency.

Staying in the Clear

A good way to stay in the clear is to have a list of prepared questions with you.? A prepared list of relevant questions will give you the peace of mind that you are not straying into lawsuit territory.? You will also stay on track and focus on the job requirements and not on the personal aspects of the candidate.

If you think about it, you are not really concerned with the fact that they have a two year old at home or that they were born in a country like Bulgaria.? You care about whether they stand up to your job requirements.? Try to discover what their skill set is and if they are able to do the job.

While interviewing candidates, take a safe route.

  • What days are you available to work?? What kind of hours can you give us?
  • Are you able to travel for this position?? Are there any situations that would cause a problem with you travelling?
  • Are you legally able to work in the United States?
  • This job is suited for someone who speaks more than one language fluently.? Are you able to speak or write another language fluently?
  • Do you have any criminal convictions?
  • You have included military experience on your resume/application.? Tell me about your time in the service.? What kind of experiences and education did you encounter that would adequately prepare you for this job?
  • Are you a high school graduate?? Do you have a college diploma or university degree?

Providing a Good First Impression

Remember the interview is one of the first impressions that you are giving to a potential employee.? Do you want them to leave the interview with a sense that you are a nosy employer who wants to pry into the private lives of their employees?

A bad impression from an interview might just give the candidate a reason to say ?no thank-you? to further interviews or offers.? Instead, ask the right questions and give them the confidence they are applying for a professional company run by professional staff and employees.

Do you have any experiences in interviewing candidates?? Have you ever asked the wrong questions?? Tell us about using the right strategies in an interview.

Based on his years as a florist in Clearwater, Greg Smith now advises local businesses via various guest blogging opportunities.? He came dangerously close to asking inappropriate questions at an interview once.? The blunder was unintentional, but could have been a business nightmare.? Fortunately, Greg learned his lesson and has since stayed in the clear.



Source: http://www.trainingtampa.com/2013/03/11/asking-the-right-interview-questions/

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U.S. Actress Harper says she's living remaining days to the fullest

NEW YORK (Reuters) - Actress Valerie Harper, who disclosed last week that she has a rare, incurable brain cancer, said in an interview broadcast on Monday that her life expectancy is anywhere from a week to several years.

Harper, 73, who won four Emmy Awards for portraying Rhoda Morgenstern on television, said on NBC's "Today" show that the reality of her illness hit home, "when I heard the word 'incurable.'

"'Incurable' is a tough word, so is 'terminal,'" she said with a laugh.

She said her doctor told her she could live anywhere from a week, if for example she suffered a seizure, to a few months or even for several years, saying he had patients who had lived much longer than the prognosis.

Harper was a staple on U.S. television in the 1970s, first as the brassy Rhoda on "The Mary Tyler Moore Show." The character proved so popular that Harper was given her own spinoff show, "Rhoda."

She revealed her cancer diagnosis last week in a People magazine interview.

"A lot of folks are calling (asking), 'Can I come by the house?' 'Are you in a wheelchair?', because they hear it as a death sentence, which it may be," Harper said on "Today." "But I'm not dying until I do. I promise I won't."

As to holding out hope against a seemingly grim fate, Harper, her voice hoarse due to a bout of laryngitis, said that beyond being hopeful "I have an intention to live each day's moments, fully."

Harper recently completed a tour promoting her new autobiography "I, Rhoda" and starred on Broadway as Tallulah Bankhead in "Looped," for which she won a Tony Award nomination.

(Writing by Chris Michaud; Editing by Patricia Reaney and Bill Trott)

Source: http://news.yahoo.com/u-actress-harper-says-shes-living-remaining-days-151009761.html

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Monday 11 March 2013

2 Americans slain at special ops site in Afghanistan

Two U.S. service members have been in what's being called an "inside attack" at a suburban Kabul police station. The incident follows a weekend visit to Afghanistan by newly confirmed Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel. NBC'S Mike Taibbi reports.

By Jamieson Lesko and Jim Miklaszewski, NBC News

KABUL, Afghanistan ? Two U.S. service members were killed and at least eight others injured Monday in a possible insider attack at a special forces site in Afghanistan, U.S. and Afghan officials said.

The shooting occurred at a U.S. special operations outpost in Wardak province in eastern Afghanistan, U.S. officials said. The shooter, who was dressed in an Afghan National Security Forces uniform, was shot and killed.

"We have two confirmed dead, but the toll could rise," one U.S. official said.?

A senior official in the Afghan Defense Ministry said that at least three Afghans were also killed.

The Taliban claimed responsibility for the attack in a text message sent by Taliban spokesman Zabihullah Mujahid. The group has falsely claimed responsibility for attacks in the past.

The shooting occurred during a group meeting or briefing, a spokesman for NATO's International Security Assistance Force said.

Monday?s incident marks the first time Americans have been killed by enemy contact in Afghanistan since Jan. 7, according to U.S. officials.

The attack took place as a deadline expired for U.S. special forces to leave Wardak, after Afghan President Hamid Karzai accused them and Afghans working for them of overseeing torture and killings in the area.?

It was not immediately clear if the attack was directed at U.S. special forces.?

U.S. Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel, who left Afghanistan early on Monday after a three-day visit, raised the sensitive issue of Wardak when he met Karzai.?

Rahmat Gul / AP

More than ten years after the beginning of the war, Afghanistan faces external pressure to reform as well as ongoing internal conflicts.

U.S. forces have denied involvement in any abuses in Wardak.

Other issues besides Wardak have pointed to a particularly strained relationship between Kabul and Washington of late.

On Sunday, Karzai said in a speech that the U.S. was colluding with the Taliban to keep foreign forces in Afghanistan beyond next year's planned withdrawal, and he went so far as to accuse the two sides of holding daily meetings.

A planned joint press conference with Hagel and Karzai was canceled shortly after Karzai's comments. "Security concerns" were cited as the reason.

The commander of coalition forces, U.S. General Joseph Dunford, and a Taliban spokesman rejected all of Karzai?s assertions unequivocally.

By Sunday night, Dunford was compelled to say the U.S. did "not have a broken relationship? with Karzai or a lack of trust. Hagel told reporters that as a former politician himself he "can understand the kind of pressures national leaders are always under," and that the two countries will be able to move forward together.

Reuters contributed to this report.?


Afghanistan following 11 years of US combat: 'Not much different'

Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel in Afghanistan: 'We're still at war'

Karzai, alleging torture, orders US forces out of key province

This story was originally published on

Source: http://worldnews.nbcnews.com/_news/2013/03/11/17267505-2-us-service-members-killed-at-special-operations-base-in-afghanistan?lite

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The Real Housewives of Atlanta Recap: The Ticking Bomb

Source: http://www.thehollywoodgossip.com/2013/03/the-real-housewives-of-atlanta-recap-the-ticking-bomb/

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HBT: Jeter in Yanks' lineup for first time since injury

Mariano Rivera won?t be the only Yankees? legend returning to action today. After receiving ?final clearance? on his surgically-repaired ankle earlier this week, Derek Jeter will make his Grapefruit League debut this afternoon against the Braves. He?ll serve as the designated hitter and bat leadoff.

Jeter hasn?t encountered any setbacks since surgery last October to repair a fractured left ankle suffered during the ALCS. The Yankees will likely wait a little while before testing him at shortstop in a live game, but he?s expected to be ready for Opening Day on April 1 against the Red Sox.

Jeter, who turns 39 in June, batted .316/.362/.429 last season and led the majors in hits.

Source: http://hardballtalk.nbcsports.com/2013/03/09/derek-jeter-in-lineup-this-afternoon-for-first-time-since-ankle-fracture/related/

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Will cardinals go off European grid to choose new pope?

Maurizio Brambatti / EPA

Canadian Cardinal Marc Ouellet is among the non-Europeans who are considered possible papal candidates.

By Tracy Connor, Staff Writer, NBC News

It's been 35 years since an Italian pope has ruled the Catholic Church, and some Vatican watchers believe the conclave that starts Tuesday could be the first to elect a pontiff from outside Europe.

While the Italians control a quarter of the votes, recent scandals suggest that they might be too beset by deep divisions to unite early around one candidate from their home turf.

The church's influence in Europe is on the wane, and its biggest area of growth is in sub-Saharan Africa, leading some to suggest that it might be time to look beyond the traditional countries for a pope with global appeal.

"The Catholic Church has moved far beyond the notion that any one nationality has a peculiar aptitude for the Office of Peter," said NBC News Vatican analyst George Weigel, author of "Evangelical Catholicism."

"The secondary reason why this is a wide-open field from which a non-European candidate may emerge is that the Catholic Church is in serious difficulty throughout western Europe and in parts of central and eastern Europe.

"Even stalwart Poland is beginning to show some troubling signs of the influence of secularism."

Catholic Center for Media via AP

Cardinal Robert Sarah is from Guinea but also has a strong Vatican background.

A number of non-Europeans keep showing up on Vaticanologists' lists of papabili,?those cardinals thought to have the right stuff: Marc Ouellet of Canada, Luis Antonio Tagle of the Philippines, Odilo Pedro Scherer of Brazil, Robert Sarah of Guinea.

The Rev. Thomas Reese, an analyst for the National Catholic Reporter, said that when insiders talk about crossing the European borders, the conversation often ends up in Africa, "where the church is growing, where it's dynamic and where it's a success in vocations."

"The church looks good in Africa," he said. "The counter-argument is: The church in Africa is doing fine. We need someone to deal with the church in Europe, North America and Latin America, where it's in trouble."

Reese said he's "not sure that geography is the answer" to the Vatican's problems, but at the same time he sees the appeal of a pope from afar.

"It would certainly send a message that this is a global church, this is not a European church any more," he said.

With just three days to go before the conclave, there is no indication that the cardinals are rallying around any one candidate, including the Italians.

Weigel said many of the top non-European candidates have impressive Roman credentials:

Cardinal Marc Ouellet: The former archbishop of Quebec City, he heads the Congregation for Bishops, has worked in two Vatican departments and has taught at the Lateran University. He also has Latin American experience, having taught there, and has confronted an "aggressively secular environment" in Quebec. But some will question whether the scholarly pastor can reform the curia, the administrative apparatus of the Vatican.

Cardinal Odilo Pedro Scherer: The archbishop of Sao Paolo, Brazil, worked for the conclave's senior cardinal, Giovanni Battista Re, at the Congregation of Bishops under Pope John Paul II. Now he has the top job in the country with the most Catholics. He lacks charisma, though, and many cardinals feel they need someone with personality.

Cardinal Robert Sarah: Appointed archbishop of Conakry, Guinea, when he was just 34, Sarah now heads the pontifical council Cor Unum, which is the Vatican's parallel to the U.S. Agency for International Development. Weigel noted, however, that Rome has often not been as friendly as it could have been to African church leaders.

Franco Origlia / Getty Images

Filipino Cardinal Luis Antonio Tagle has lots of energy and charisma but might be seen as too young.

Cardinal Timothy Dolan: The archbishop of New York's personality could be a double-edged sword. "No member of the College of Cardinals lights up a room like [Dolan]," Weigel said, but skeptics could find him too effervescent. Plus, there is a longstanding prejudice against so-called "superpower popes."

Cardinal Luis Antonio Tagle: The passion and emotion of Manila's top Catholic could be attractive to electors looking beyond Italy for a candidate. His youth -- he's just 56 -- could go against him. "He could be pope for 40 years. If that's the case, he better be a great one," Reese said.

Other geographic outliers who have been mentioned and might get some votes in early balloting include Malcolm Ranjith of Sri Lanka, Thomas Collins of Toronto, Sean O'Malley of Boston and Jorge Bergoglio of Buenos Aires.

An oft-mentioned cardinal, Peter Turkson of Ghana, is favored in the Italian press, which Weigel said historically means his candidacy is over even before voting starts.

Reese said regardless of how many worthy candidates there are, he wouldn't bet on a pontiff from another continent.

"The odds are against it when more than half the College of Cardinals is from Europe," he said. "They always begin by looking at the Italians."


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Will Catholics embrace change? The view from one parish in Rome

The cardinals will fill out ballots in the Sistine Chapel until all 77 ballots -- two-thirds plus one of the cardinal electors -- reach a consensus. NBC's Anne Thompson reports.


Source: http://worldnews.nbcnews.com/_news/2013/03/09/17239020-will-the-cardinals-go-off-the-european-grid-to-choose-a-new-pope?lite

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Politicians look for credit in a rising economy

FILE - In this March 8, 2013 file photo, specialist Donald Civitanova, right, works at his post on the floor of the New York Stock Exchange. When it comes to the economy, presidents usually get the rap for downturns and reap benefits from upturns. But the main factors affecting the current recovery and the record activity in the stock market may have less to do with high-profile fiscal policy fights in Washington than they do in the decisions of the Federal Reserve Bank, which has pumped trillions of dollars into the economy, kept interests rates at near zero and pushed investors away from low-yield bonds to stocks. (AP Photo/Richard Drew, File)

FILE - In this March 8, 2013 file photo, specialist Donald Civitanova, right, works at his post on the floor of the New York Stock Exchange. When it comes to the economy, presidents usually get the rap for downturns and reap benefits from upturns. But the main factors affecting the current recovery and the record activity in the stock market may have less to do with high-profile fiscal policy fights in Washington than they do in the decisions of the Federal Reserve Bank, which has pumped trillions of dollars into the economy, kept interests rates at near zero and pushed investors away from low-yield bonds to stocks. (AP Photo/Richard Drew, File)

(AP) ? Increased hiring, lower unemployment, stock market on the rise. Who gets the credit?

It's a hotly debated point in Washington, where political scorekeeping amounts to who gets blame and who gets praise.

Following Friday's strong jobs report ? 236,000 new jobs and unemployment dropping to a four-year low of 7.7 percent ? partisans hurriedly staked out turf.

"Woot woot!" tweeted former White House economic adviser Austan Goolsbee. "With 12 million still unemployed?" countered Senate Republican leader Mitch McConnell's spokesman, Don Stewart.

Presidents usually get the rap for economic downturns and reap benefits when things improve. But the main factors affecting the current recovery and the record activity in the stock market may have less to do with high-profile fiscal policy fights in Washington than they do in the decisions of the Federal Reserve Bank, which has pumped trillions of dollars into the economy, kept interests rates at near zero and pushed investors away from low-yield bonds to stocks.

"From a policy standpoint, this is being driven primarily by the Fed," said Mark Vitner, an economist at Wells Fargo.

Yet to some, Washington deserves little recognition.

"Economies recover," said Douglas Holtz-Eakin, a former director of the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office and now head of the American Action Forum, a conservative public policy institute. He acknowledged the Fed's monetary policies halted the initial free fall by the financial industry, but he said the economy has had to catch up to the Fed's low interest rates.

"It took a long time for the housing market for them to matter and for the auto market for them to matter," Holtz-Eakin said. "So I don't think that's a policy victory."

If Democrats are eager to give President Barack Obama acclaim for spurring the recovery with an infusion of spending in 2009, there are just as many Republicans who will claim his health care law and his regulatory regimes slowed it.

If there is common ground among economists, it is that the next step in fiscal policy should be focused on reining in long-term spending on entitlements programs, particularly Medicare, instead of continuing debates over short-term spending. But such a grand bargain has been elusive, caught in a fight over Obama's desire for more tax revenue and Republican opposition to more tax increases.

Obama and some Republicans are trying to move the process with phone calls and a dinner here and a luncheon there. Next week, the president plans to address Democrats and Republicans in the House and Senate in separate meetings to see, as he put it Saturday in his weekly radio and Internet address, "if we can untangle some of the gridlock."

Who gets credit does have political consequences. A strong economy would create more space for Obama to pursue other aspects of his second-term agenda. But it's an important question for the long term, too, because if the recovery is indeed accelerating it could validate the policies that the Obama administration and the Fed put in place.

Hiring has been boosted by high corporate profits and by strength in the housing, auto, manufacturing and construction sectors. Corporate profits are up. Still, it might be too soon to declare victory. While the recovery may be getting traction, the U.S. economy is not yet strong.

Economic growth is forecast to be a modest 2 percent this year. Unemployment, even as it drops, remains high nearly four years after the end of the Great Recession, with roughly 12 million people out of work.

Last year's early months also showed strong job gains only to see them fade by June.

March could prove to be a more telling indicator as the economy responds to a third month of higher Social Security taxes and as across-the-board spending cuts that kicked in March 1 begin to work their way through government programs. Economists say anticipation of the cuts already caused a downturn in the fourth quarter of last year as the defense industry slowed spending. The Congressional Budget Office and some private forecasters say the coming cuts could reduce economic growth by about half a percentage point and cost about 700,000 jobs by the end of 2014.

"My view is that aggressive monetary and fiscal policy response to the recovery has been a net positive," said Mark Zandi, chief economist at Moody's Analytics.

But referring to the automatic cuts, he said, "Fiscal policies have turned from a very powerful tailwind to a pretty significant head wind." And, he added, "the economy is going to be tested again in the next few months."

Obama has been distancing himself from the potential consequences of the automatic cuts, even though he signed the legislation that put them in place. Initially, they were designed to be so onerous that it would force all sides to work out a long-term deficit-reduction and debt-stabilization package. But that agreement never materialized.

If the recovery has been slow, White House officials argue, it is because Republicans have been unwilling to yield to Obama's demands for deficit reduction that combines tax increases and cuts in spending.

Obama himself seemed to touch on that viewpoint in his weekly address.

"At a time when our businesses are gaining a little more traction, the last thing we should do is allow Washington politics to get in the way," he said while heralding good economic news. "You deserve better than the same political gridlock and refusal to compromise that has too often passed for serious debate over the last few years."

Vitner, the Wells Fargo economist, argues that if anyone deserves credit for the recovery, it is the American public and American businesses "for being able to tune out all the noise that's coming from Washington."

"It's remarkable," he said, "that in the face of so much political uncertainty we've been able to see the growth that we have."

Associated Press

Source: http://hosted2.ap.org/APDEFAULT/3d281c11a96b4ad082fe88aa0db04305/Article_2013-03-09-Economy-Who%20Gets%20Credit/id-57ed4e9793554554b935c9db91d8c7f4

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Saturday 9 March 2013

Pakistan supply routes open, but move gear slowly into Afghanistan

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - It is the least expensive way to get food and fuel to U.S. troops in Afghanistan. But eight months after Pakistan reopened its ground supply routes for the NATO war effort, hardly any new cargo has taken that path into the landlocked country.

Instead, supplies have been moving almost entirely along far more expensive routes, one of several factors that have prompted senior Pentagon officials to warn that Afghan war costs are higher than projected at a time of increasingly tight budgets.

In what was hailed as diplomatic breakthrough, the United States and Pakistan agreed to reopen the supply lines last July after Washington issued a reluctant apology for an air attack that killed 24 Pakistani soldiers along the Afghan border in November 2011.

But restoring the Pakistani supply routes to full service after a seven-month closure has taken time. The United States has cleared upward of 5,000 of the 7,000 pieces of backlogged cargo in the supply routes.

But data from the U.S. Military's Transportation Command show that only 40 containers of new cargo have moved across Pakistani ground routes since July. At the same time, about 28,000 20-foot containers came through alternate pathways, known as the Northern Distribution Network, into Afghanistan from July 2012 through last month.

General William Fraser, head of Transcom, said the situation was improving. After months of working to clear a backlog of supplies and deal with procedural issues, cargo movement on the Pakistani supply lines has improved and officials are ready to use them more heavily, he said.

"It's all moving in the right direction," Fraser told Reuters. "Now we've just got to up the rate."


Reopening the routes was considered vital to the U.S. war effort. Beyond being cheaper, they are seen as the best way to remove military equipment from Afghanistan as the 11-year-old conflict draws to a close.

Last year, then-Defense Secretary Leon Panetta estimated the closure of Pakistan's supply routes cost U.S. taxpayers about $100 million more a month for the use of alternatives - either by air or through the NDN, a series of complicated pathways across Europe, Russia, and Central Asia.

That cost has come down as the size of the U.S. force in Afghanistan has fallen to about 66,000 today from 94,000 when Pakistan closed the routes. But it still costs about $61 million more a month to use the NDN and other alternatives rather than Pakistan, Pentagon spokesman Mark Wright said.

Fraser said there were several reasons for the slow start-up. They included the need to work through a backlog of cargo; reach agreement on how to re-export equipment that was no longer needed; obtain new rates from contractors; and decide on the process for bringing military cargo out of Afghanistan.

He said that fewer than 2,000 pieces of cargo remained in the backlog left over from the closure. Some of that cargo belonged to military units no longer in Afghanistan, so it will be re-exported, which required developing new procedures.

Fraser said the Pakistani bureaucracy also had to work out its own procedures for issuing permits at the border to allow equipment to be imported into the country for the purposes of taking it to Karachi to be loaded on ships.

"Those are all in place now," Fraser said. "It just took time to work through that."


After reaching a memorandum of understanding on reopening the supply lines, the two sides negotiated terms for handling new shipments both to and from Afghanistan. Previously, cargo only moved into Afghanistan.

The Pentagon said it expected to start regular shipments bringing equipment out of Afghanistan along Pakistan's ground routes this month at about 100 pieces of cargo a week. That figure would gradually increase over the course of the spring and summer.

Fraser said his discussions with Pakistani officials last month were aimed at getting traffic on the supply lines back to the levels they were at before the closure last year - about 30 percent of all cargo.

"That ... would mean 50 to 60 pieces crossing daily," he said. "That's our goal right now and they understand that. They're in agreement, so let's work first to get back to those pre-closure levels of crossings."

Navy Commander Bill Speaks, another Pentagon spokesman, said the U.S. military planned to use the Pakistani ground routes for roughly 50 percent to 60 percent of the cargo removed from Afghanistan as part of the U.S. drawdown.

Ramping up the use of the Pakistan supply lines could help ease financial pressure on the military services, which have been hit with a number of financial constraints, including a $46 billion automatic spending cut that went into force on March 1.

Discussing budget difficulties, several senior Pentagon officials have cited the unexpectedly high war costs this fiscal year and attributed part of that to the slow reopening of the Pakistan supply lines.

"When we put that ... budget together almost two years ago, we didn't anticipate the same tempo of operations that are going on right now," Pentagon Comptroller Robert Hale told a conference this week. "And we're seeing higher transportation costs as we're flying goods in and out of Afghanistan."

(Editing by Warren Strobel and Peter Cooney)

Source: http://news.yahoo.com/pakistan-supply-routes-open-move-gear-slowly-afghanistan-234809027.html

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Stocks march higher following strong job growth

NEW YORK (AP) ? Stocks are opening higher on Wall Street after the government reported a burst of hiring last month that sent the unemployment rate to a four-year low.

The Dow Jones industrial average rose 35 points to 14,365 shortly after the opening bell Friday.

The Standard & Poor's 500 was up two points at 1,550. The index us just 18 points below the record high it reached in October 2007. The Dow blew past its own record on Tuesday. Both are headed for their sixth straight gain.

The Nasdaq composite rose six points to 3,238.

U.S. employers added 236,000 jobs last month, far exceeding economist predictions. The unemployment rate fell to 7.7 percent from 7.9 percent.

Pandora media jumped 23 percent after the online radio company issued a strong profit forecast.

Source: http://news.yahoo.com/stocks-march-higher-following-strong-job-growth-144503566--finance.html

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Record Revenue and Profits for Entertainment Gaming Asia | Casino ...

March 8, 2013

entertainment-gaming-asia-resultsEntertainment Gaming Asia (EGA), which operates gaming joints in Cambodia and the Philippines and is a leading supplier of chips and plaques to Asia-Pacific casinos, reported record revenues and net profits in 2012. Revenue rose 34% to $10.3m in Q4, while earnings were up marginally to $2.6m and net income came in at $268k, compared to a net loss of $1m in Q4 2011. Profits would have been higher but for a $226k non-cash impairment charge due to machine writedowns following the closure of an underperforming slots venue in the Philippines.

For 2012 as a whole, revenues rose 21% to $32.8m. Earnings fell to $10.9m from $11.7m in 2011, while net income came in at $1.8m, nearly triple 2011?s $642k. Revenue from gaming operations rose 17% to $20.4m, $18.6m of which came from slots operations (+7%). Revenue from other products rose 28% to $12.4m, of which $6.5m came from sales of casino chips and plaques, which more than tripled in 2012 thanks to Crown Perth?s rebranding and a major order placed by the soon-to-open Solaire Manila in the Phillipines? Entertainment City.

In May 2012, EGA opened its first casino, Dreamworld Pailin, in Cambodia along the border with Thailand. The Dreamworld Poipet slots hall (artists? rendering pictured above) is set for a soft opening on March 28 in Cambodia?s Economic Free Zone, also on the border with Thailand. A third Dreamworld property, Dreamworld Kampot, is set to open later this year along Cambodia?s border with Vietnam and will feature 14 gaming tables and 25 electronic gaming machines (EGM). The company also operates slots in NagaCorp?s NagaWorld casino in Phnom Penh and the Thansur Bokor operation owned by Cambodian hotelier Sokha Hotel & Resorts. As of Dec. 31, EGA operates 824 EGMs in Cambodia and a further 581 in the Philippines.

On a post-earnings call, EGA CEO Clarence Chung told analysts the company had identified ?two to three? junket operators with which it expects to strike deals in the second quarter to help feed customers into the Dreamworld properties. Chung also said EGA?s chip supply business was pursuing the ?huge potential? for new sales via the flurry of new casinos being built in Manila and on Cotai in Macau. At the close of 2012, EGA had a cash balance of $10.4m with zero debt.

Meanwhile, Nagacorp?s NagaWorld casino was the scene of a major labor stoppage by casino staff. Late last month, around 800 workers ? 90% of NagaWorld?s total staff ? hit the bricks to agitate for higher wages. Cambodia Daily reported that the action was instigated by what the strikers viewed as the unwarranted firing of two employees from the casino?s food and beverage section and two more from the VIP section. The four staffers were ordered sacked by three unpopular managers, the removal of which the strikers want to see before they?ll return to work. Sok Narith, VP of the Cambodian Tourism and Service Workers Federation, told the Phnom Penh Post that casino managers were doing their best to fill in as dealers. NagaWorld had previously earned the ire of workers in 2009, when it was accused of breaching the Labor Law by arbitrarily firing 14 union representatives.

Source: http://calvinayre.com/2013/03/08/business/entertainment-gaming-asia-posts-record-revenue-profits/

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What happened to the 'Job For Life'? | Gary Chaplin

It?s my wedding anniversary today; five years, no time at all in the halls of marriage?.. Weddingbut in career terms, five years is now a well above average tenure. What happened to the ?job for life??

Times move on, businesses move on and careers?have certainly moved on. The average (median) tenure for people?s current jobs in the UK is now significantly less than 4 years, yet only 25 years ago it was almost 10 years. The average number of different jobs held in a lifetime is now 11.8 for men and 10.6 for women (the female ratio increases to be higher than men once you take out the effect of ?family?).

For young professionals, the stats are even more surprising. Professionally qualified individuals under the age of 35 move jobs, on average, every 2 years 2 months. Once that age profile moves to 35-45 it improves, but only to 3 years 1 month.

If we wind back a generation, the ?job for life? was very common place. Wind back twoRetirement generations and it was positively expected. My father in law stayed with his employer from his very first day of employment, right up until he retired.? My grandfather began working for the civil service at the age of 15 and concluded his employment, in 1977, after almost 45 years?.and he took ?early? retirement.

We do still see some people getting to 25, 30 and even over 35 years service, but the realistic chance of someone entering the workplace today and staying with that employer for 40 years is almost nil. Is it the people, the businesses, the nature of work or the world in general? Or a combination of all four?

The world is turning a lot faster, in just about every conceivable way. Man?s ability to get around the world is increasing exponentially. Countries ability to shift their economic positioning is accelerating like our forefather would never imagine (See China and Greece as diametrically opposed examples). The world?s appetite for change and development is on an accelerative path like we can?t begin to comprehend ? and technological advancements are responding to that desire (or are they fuelling it?)

Businesses?are different. Very few businesses genuinely stay in the same, recognisable form for a decade, let alone for a generation. That is a comparatively new phenomenon. Genuine Blue-Chip businesses that dominated decades of this country?s commercial power up until 20 years ago are now few and far between, one could argue that there are no such things as Blue-Chip businesses, in this country at least ? save except for the major banks, as controversially proved in the last 4 years. The pace of shift in the make-up of the FTSE-100 is further proof of that.

The nature of work?has evolved. 50 years ago, over ? of the employed population were employed in what would been deemed blue-collar employment, or unskilled labour. Today that number is estimated at 43%. Blue collar workers are 3 times more likely to be in their job for in excess of 20 years, but that again is falling.

People are probably the biggest element though. Our appetite for change, our hunger for development and our unwillingness to tread-water are like we have never seen, and it is only getting worse. The global appetite and impatience every time Apple launches a new product are again proof of that ? despite each hyped build up is less than a year since the last amazing developmental launch of a ground breaking product that by tomorrow will be outdated and to some at least, worthless. After a year.

The ?playstation generation? have grown up on immediacy. Instantaneous internet and computer speed, the immediate playback digital music and video provides. They have become used to yesterdays launch being outdated before they hear about it ? their attention constantly focussed several phases ahead.? How do you expect someone to do the same job for 20 years when they get impatient over the annoying wait until a video game starts or a streamed movie loads?

Add in modern day human?s transitory mindset ? nothing lasts forever, and fewer things are expected to last more than a few years (marriage included!). Virtually every purchase we make is seen as almost disposable. White goods expected to last maybe 5 years, tech products less than that. There are even fewer and fewer younger people staying in the same house/location for much more than this magical 4 years.

Given all of the above, it isn?t difficult to see why the average tenure of jobs is getting shorter and shorter, fast forward 15-20 years when current ?lifers? fall off the end of the employment statistics, expect that figure to plummet yet further.

There are however financial and career development reasons for such short job tenures. ?The average ?job for life? worker can expect their earnings to increase just 2% above inflation/cost of living, this compares to the average pay increase for those moving jobs of 12% over the last decade (impressive when there has been downward pressure on earnings over the last 3 years). ?Those getting internal promotions will typically see just an average of just 7% increase.

Two of conversations I had yesterday were with people I placed into similar level finance jobs in the late 1990s. Both with sizable organisations. One has only recently departed that same job, he has had 3 promotions and his exit salary was just 30% higher than his starting salary 14 years ago ? in physical terms ? in real terms, it is probably no higher. The other individual has had 5 jobs, 3 of which I have put him into. His current remuneration level is over 3 times what it was 13 years ago, and his package value well over 5 times that of 13 years ago. Moving works.

It?s also my fault.

There is a final reason though ? the recruitment industry, and specifically Head-Hunters. Professionals taking the decision to consider looking for a new role, and thus asking me for advise on doing so will typically do so when they are naturally ready for a fresh challenge (whether driven by carrot or stick). However, the Head-Hunting/Exec Search sector will approach people well before that time.

This may be somewhat unpalatable from an employer perspective, but our clients want the best ? and the best will seldom be actively looking on the job market, and are highly unlikely to be sat on a recruitment business?s active database.

This is also the reason the Exec Search market is growing so quickly, as businesses realise that in order to capture the best talent before they go public, they need to get someone to map, search, approach and lure the best talent for them?.and that?s where we come in.

?.Alas whilst our actions are driving our clients? businesses forward every quicker, they are also putting the gold-pocket-watch industry under threat.

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Source: http://garychaplin.com/2013/03/08/what-happened-to-the-job-for-life/

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Pwn2Own: Down go all the browsers/In the first day of the Pwn2Own cracking contest, Microsoft's Internet Explorer 10, Google's Chrome and Mozilla's Firefox web browsers have all gone down in flames." ["Not everything was 'pwned' though. No one broke Adobe'

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Apple Gazette asks: "Is Apple taking too long to innovate?" What say you? Cast your vote in "Today's Poll..." in the left column below or go straight to the results here.

Thursday Highlights: A victory for Apple in the United Kingdom as court invalidates three Samsung 3G standards-essential patents which the Korean company claimed Apple infringed upon; Jonny Evans is keeping score, this is the 24th Samsung loss to Apple; and in the US, Samsung v. Apple increased lobbying big-time; Apple Store presence at upscale retail section in Berkeley California has "dramatically" lifted shopping district, quadrupling sales tax revenues; Macworld on configuring parental controls on your Mac; if you're an Android user, AddictiveTips says you have ways to remotely control your Mac's brightness, volume, and media apps; Skype users, here's a tutorial on recording your calls; reports say Apple's suppliers are 99% compliant in work scheduling, employees no longer work over 60 hours/week; Apple continues in top spot among US smartphone manufacturers; Android malware accounts for 96% of all mobile malware, Phil Schiller tweets the news; Rovio, makers of super-popular iOS games, has made all Angry Birds games free; is Apple back in talks with Intel for production of iDevice chips? More in our Hardware/Software section, where the latest of Apple's patent applications include advanced facial recognition, digital content resale/loan system, among others; Macworld UK reviews a NAS drive from Iomega; and over at PC Magazine, John Dvorak found that Apple's Maps app actually bested Waze, and Google Maps, in a friendly competition with Leo LaPorte and others; Open The Window has praise for Mailbox; The Next Web says Incredimail may just be "the ultimate unified messaging app"; iMore reviews Good Habits; too many photos on your iPhone 5? PC Advisor shows how to clean 'em up; and Macworld explains iOS passcode security; is Apple innovating fast enough?; Andy Ihnatko's third installment of his switch to Android for his smartphone, explains in more detail, reasons, positives, negatives of the experience; Google Glass is coming, but will the hype translate into a big app market?

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Thu Mar 7
"Pwn2Own: Down go all the browsers/In the first day of the Pwn2Own cracking contest, Microsoft's Internet Explorer 10, Google's Chrome and Mozilla's Firefox web browsers have all gone down in flames."" [""Not everything was 'pwned' though. No one broke Adobe's Flash Player and Adobe Reader on Windows 7 or Safari on Mac OS X Mountain Lion. Adobe products may yet go down. Vupen is going after Flash today and George Hotz, best known for unlocking Apple's iPhone, is taking on Reader.""] ZDNet 1:14 PM
  • "Pwn2Own: Down go all the browsers/In the first day of the Pwn2Own cracking contest, Microsoft's Internet Explorer 10, Google's Chrome and Mozilla's Firefox web browsers have all gone down in flames." ["Not everything was 'pwned' though. No one broke Adobe's Flash Player and Adobe Reader on Windows 7 or Safari on Mac OS X Mountain Lion. Adobe products may yet go down. Vupen is going after Flash today and George Hotz, best known for unlocking Apple's iPhone, is taking on Reader."]?ZDNet?1:14 PM
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  • "How Graphene Antennas Could Pave The Way For Terabit Wireless Data Speeds"?BGR?8:30 AM
  • "How I survived 7 days in Chromebook exile: Power users are taking potshots at the Chromebook, while ignoring its appeal for users who are living the online-only life."?PCWorld?8:27 AM
  • "Will Anyone Create a Killer App for Google Glass? The hype around Google's new wearable computers might not translate into a big market for apps for a while."?Technology Review?8:03 AM
  • "Can Samsung innovate? The Korean giant now dominates the smartphone and tablet era, but it is built for steady progress rather than big breakthroughs"?IDG News Service?7:27 AM
  • "Skype for iOS Updated With Improved Call Interface"?MacTrast?4:26 PM
  • "Incipio offers 3.4-Amp Lightning Dual Auto Charger"?iLounge?4:18 PM
  • "This Little iPhone 5 Tether Could Rescue You From A Disastrous Fall"?Cult of Mac?4:00 PM
  • "Marvel's New Subscription Service Opens Up More Than 70 Years Of Comic Books"?App Advice?3:36 PM
  • "Enhance Your iPhone5 WiFi Signal With Linkase"?GadgeTell?3:17 PM
  • "Trakdot Reports Your Luggage's Location in Real Time"?The Mac Observer?2:45 PM
  • "Google takes a Field Trip to visit iOS"?BetaNews?3:36 PM
  • "Google releases 'Field Trip,' a new location discovery app for iOS"?iDownload Blog?1:10 PM
  • "BIM Camp travels to Chicago"?Architosh?11:50 AM
  • "Siri-Controlling Star Trek-Style Button Is The Ultimate In Dorkwear"?Cult of Mac?11:37 AM
  • "Marvel Unlimited Is A Severely LImited Subscription Comics Service For iOS"?TechCrunch?11:06 AM
  • "'Bumpy Road' Gets Better with New Widescreen Support"?Touch Arcade?10:41 AM
  • "Incredimail's New iPad Version Turns Email Into A Flipboard-Style Interface, Easy For The Average Person"?TechCrunch?9:39 AM
  • "Here are 600 million reasons to replace the Photos app on your iPad with Cooliris"?The Next Web?8:48 AM
  • "First Look: Esoterism Embrace 5 aluminum iPhone 5 band case"?Insanely Great Mac?8:46 AM
  • "Video chat app Tango reaches 100M users ? adds iPad support, photo editing, and more"?VentureBeat?8:26 AM
  • "iPad, meet Android: RemotePlay makes sharing media between mobile devices easy"?GigaOM?8:23 AM
  • "Tango video chat goes native on iPad, makes better use of everyone's screens"?Engadget?8:23 AM
  • "Journey To Hell And Destroy An Army Of Demons In This Action-Packed Shoot-'Em-Up"?App Advice?8:19 AM
  • "Tango, The Video-Calling App Turned Social Network, Hits 100M Users And Finally Arrives On iPad"?TechCrunch?8:17 AM
  • "Haiku Deck 2.0 Brings Charts, Graphs And Lists To Its Super Simple iPad Presentation Tool"?TechCrunch?8:17 AM
  • "New iPhone apps worth downloading: Handybook, Eye Capture update, Infect Them All 2: Zombies"?Appolicious?8:13 AM
  • "BFOM Releases Ask Something? for iPhone, iPad and iPod touch"?prMac?8:07 AM
  • "AP Algebra Helper App To Learn, Solve, and Visualize Algebraic Equations"?prMac?8:07 AM
  • "AeroPress Timer 1.0 is in the App Store now"?prMac?8:07 AM
  • "New i Learn With app to teach children about emotions and feelings"?prMac?8:07 AM
  • "It's time to Tease UR Brain and get tangled"?prMac?8:07 AM
  • "Your Ultimate Free Guide To The Cayman Islands Is SpotCayman"?prMac?8:07 AM
  • "Water Habit Helps Easily Increase Daily Water Intake and Boost Health"?prMac?8:07 AM
  • "Funbridge Adds Facebook Integration to Globally Popular Bridge Card App"?prMac?8:07 AM
  • "Aladdin and the Wonderful Lamp - Interactive Book for iPad"?prMac?8:07 AM
  • "Fantastical for iOS gets support for time zones, multiple alerts, state restoration and more"?The Next Web?8:18 AM
  • "Fantastical for iPhone updated with event invites, time zones, and a glanceable date badge"?The Verge?8:05 AM
  • "Meet Thermodo: A Tiny External Thermometer That Lives In Your iPhone's Headphone Jack"?TechCrunch?8:16 AM
  • "Thermodo, A Clever Thermometer That Integrates With Your iPhone [Kickstarter]?Cult of Mac?7:50 AM
  • "Epson Helps Preserve Rare Birds in Croatia"?eXtensions?7:27 AM
  • "Google tipped off EU authorities over Microsoft's $732M browser boo-boo, Report claims"?GigaOM?8:08 AM
  • "Microsoft's EU 'Browser Ballot' Troubles: 10 Issues Behind the Fine"?eWeek?8:08 AM
  • "Microsoft Fined by EU for Not Offering Browser Alternatives: Microsoft says it was an oversight that resulted in a deleted browser choice screen for more than a year."?Visual Studio Magazine?8:40 AM
  • "Microsoft won't wait for 'Blue' to update Windows 8 core apps: Microsoft may have refreshes for its Mail, Calendar, Music and Games apps for Windows 8 and Windows RT in its app store as soon as this month."?CNET News?8:27 AM
  • "All Told, Nokia Owes $650M More To Microsoft In Their Long-Term Platform Deal, Says Nokia, But 2013 Will See A Net Gain For Finland"?TechCrunch?10:09 AM
  • "Dell Battles to Protect Deal: Founder Defends $24.4 Billion Buyout as Large Investor Balks and Rival Circles"?WSJ.com [Paid Membership Required]?8:19 AM
  • "Dell shareholder Icahn opposes go-private deal, seeks payout"?Reuters?8:21 AM
  • "Icahn proposes alternative to Dell buyout"?RTE News?8:34 AM
  • "Dell responds to Icahn's criticism of Going Private Transaction: The company says that it's still considering all options and will continue to do so through March 22."?CNET News?8:27 AM
  • "Icahn Joins Resistance To Dell Buyout, Pushes For $9 Special DiVidend"?Forbes?8:35 AM
  • "Dell buyout challenged by another major investor and potential bids from Lenovo and HP"?The Verge?8:18 AM
  • "Hewlett-Packard Co (NYSE:HPQ) is Interested in Dell Inc (NASDAQ:DELL)"?The Point Daily?8:36 AM
  • "Cisco to set up training centres in Myanmar after delegation with Google, HP, Intel, Microsoft"?Associated Press?8:37 AM
  • "Hewlett-Packard launches business tablet HP ElitePad 900 in India"?Indian express?8:36 AM
  • "Rumor: Intel in Discussions to Produce Apple Chips"?Gizmodo?8:10 AM
  • "Not all rosy with AMD Never Settle Reloaded"?Fudzilla?8:38 AM
  • "Whatever happened to Oracle's server business?"?GigaOM?8:25 AM
Finances (Click heading for current Apple Stock price.)
Apple News
  • "The Psychology of the Stock Market ... and Apple"?Barron's [Paid Membership Required]?3:58 PM
  • "Google passes Apple as largest holding in U.S. mutual funds"?Bloomberg?2:05 PM
  • "Industry Watchers Panic Yet Again Over Looming Apple Margin Crunch"?BGR?1:06 PM
  • "Let's revisit Ed Zabitsky's $270 per share Apple price target: Was CNBC's favorite Apple bear prescient when he told clients to sell Apple in Jan. 2012?"?Fortune?8:13 AM
  • "Why analysts should not be investors, Andy Zaky edition"?Reuters?8:47 AM
  • "Can the Apple Bear Be Killed?"?TheStreet?7:27 AM
  • "Apple: Sell Targets Of Big Money Fund Managers As Seen By Market Making Trade Facilitators"?Seeking Alpha?8:03 AM
  • "Will Apple's Nemesis Hit the Mythical $1,000 Mark?"?The Motley Fool?11:59 AM
Industry News
  • "Financials Lead Stocks Higher"?WSJ.com [Paid Membership Required]?12:37 PM
  • "Dow continues record run"?CNNMoney?9:46 AM
  • "Futures Tick Higher; ECB, Data in Focus"?FOXBusiness?12:37 PM
  • "Tech Stocks: Tech stocks: Dell challenge, Facebook event"?USA Today?8:35 AM
  • "This Morning: Dell Tells Icahn Hold a Minute, CIEN Soars, MU, VMW Defended"?Barron's?8:34 AM
  • "Stocks to Watch: Dell, Time Warner, PetSmart"?WSJ Blogs?8:34 AM
  • "German Factory Orders Unexpectedly Fall on Euro-Area Weak"?Bloomberg?8:03 AM
  • "GLOBAL MARKETS-Euro, pound firmer after rate decisions, Draghi eyed"?Reuters?8:03 AM
  • "Asia Markets: Japan stocks sparkle while most of Asia drops/ Japanese stocks on Thursday ended at their best level in more than four years, standing out in Asia as other major markets suffered losses amid caution ahead of key central-bank decisions and economic data."?MarketWatch?8:05 AM
  • "Europe Markets: Europe stocks pare gains as ECB holds rates/ European stock markets pared gains on Thursday after the European Central Bank kept rates on hold as expected, while Spanish stocks rose after a successful debt sale."?MarketWatch?8:04 AM