Sunday 20 November 2011


I know, I know, high school roleplays are horribly overdone and cliched to Vega and back, but if my title caught your attention enough for you to click into the topic, please give me a little bit of a chance.

I'm going to hope this is in the least bit original - at least, for here - and I know that boy characters are hard to come by, mainly because said boy characters are only wanted for romance, but again, give this a little bit of a chance.

This is only a base idea and help fleshing out the idea would be lovely <3

Things in bold can be changed/altered.


Richmond, Indiana, to be exact.

Located on the edge of the Ohio and Indiana state line, about an hour's drive from Indianapolis, Richmond is the home of the aptly-titled Richmond Red Devils. The community houses less than forty thousand people; a little over fifteen hundred high school students. Despite the fever and the hype that the adults and administration try and keep up, Richmond isn't what it used to be... and neither is it's high school.

The drop-out rate is increasing, teen pregnancy is at an all-time high, and, even with the attempts made to keep the teens in school, Richmond just isn't what it used to be. The population is lowering, less students are being enrolled each year in the borderline rural community.

The town isn't what it used to be. The school isn't what it used to be. As people move on and grow up, as minds open and the community remains stuck in the 90's, Richmond begins to crumble.

Jared Walton steps in and hopes to change everything, with a group of boys, a gaggle of helmets and a hell of a lot of practice.

If anything could bring Richmond back into the twenty first century - and put the town's name back into the papers - it's the reputation he's going make for the high school's football team. With some guidance, some enthusiasm and some school spirit, he intends to bring back the reputation the town had as a 5A football team and take them through sectionals.

But when something happens to one of his players and a prospective second-string shows him skills that nearly dwarf his starting player, he is forced to put his faith into a wanna-be player with no skill but a raw talent that can't be matched.

Even if that player is the first female player the town of Richmond has ever seen.

Inspired heavily by Friday Night Lights and, well, the town I live in (...Richmond) and the circumstances I'm in currently (hahaha. Way to make lemonade out of lemons. I laugh.)

Football is big here. It isn't as big as Texas, but with nothing else to do but sports or drugs, football is often a saving grace for the community and the teens here. It's looked forward to every Friday. Homecoming is huge, games are huge...

But, honestly, we aren't very good.

And this is what I want us to become.

I want to bring my town to life, bring my favorite sport to life, add some twists and almost drop the high school aspect - but not. I don't want gobs and gobs of girls, but I want realistic dynamics without all the drama.

Football player who's dad is forcing him to play - but his heart isn't completely in it.

The player who has made some mistakes and football is the only thing keeping him from the fringe.

The player who is relying on his football skills alone to get him into college.

The coach trying to keep his players in line and bring prestige to the town he used to love.

And the girl who just decides to try for something... and finds out that being in the game is different than watching it.

All Richmond High School is, is a 9-12th grade institution, providing all your basic classes, as well as classes more suited for the agricultural, straight-to-the-workforce Indiana: we offer construction, machine shop, automotive, drafting, and the small town next door offers agricultural and animal science.

We're a little narrow minded here because we've never been challenged in ways larger cities have: girls on boys teams, homophobia to a degree, teen mothers are shunned. Things happen and we'd rather not talk about them than bring them to light and realize that we're evolving.

I don't know how interested anyone would be, but I had the idea and I just needed to get it out.

We wouldn't need the whole football team in terms of characters: have a few dynamic ones and the rest could be NPC's. The coach for sure would need to be a playable character, as would the girl. We'd need people willing to play cameos of parents, cheerleaders, opposing teams, etc.

It would be really dynamic but we'd have to have a cohesiveness to it in order to get the storyline going.

Example of characters:

Jared Walton, 34, Richmond High School alumni. After growing up and leaving Richmond - just as he said he would as a teenager - he comes back, family in tow, for a job opportunity at the one place he never believed he'd see again, only to see that it has grown up around him in some aspects, and in others, not at all.

The football program is struggling, the drop-out rate is disturbing, and the athletic director is under pressure to hire a new head coach that will bring Richmond Red Devils back on the map. Jared Walton is that coach. Faced with circumstances he never believed he'd have to fix, boys he never thought he'd have to save from the edge, and a rally of young men questioning their masculinity at the face of a teenage girl, the man realizes he has his job cut out for him.

Vaughn Clark, 16. A construction student with an uncanny knack for football and a love for getting dirty and proving people wrong. After Coach Walton is directed to her from a fellow shop student and she makes the team, she's put in a position to put her love and passion to work... but sometimes, being as good as people expect you to be is harder than it looks, and in a quest to prove her teammates that she's good enough - and prove to herself as well - she grows in the process and brings the team closer together after her gender threatens to alienate them completely.

Jason Wickett, 18. Being the only nationally-ranked player on the team comes with it's own sets of challenges and perks, but when the quarterback takes his skills for granted and gets injured during the first game of the season, he's benched for three games. In a scramble to find a new quarterback, he's replaced by a girl half his size and nearly as good as he is. With his skill and now his position in limbo, the boy does everything he can to turn the team against it's new leader.
(could be changed to: penalized for unsportsmanlike conduct, fighting, etc)

...So. Anyone interested?

ideas? Suggestions?

I honestly think that this would make an amazing roleplay if we could get a few dedicated people with some rich, evolving characters.


happy halloween history of halloween eagles cowboys eagles cowboys trick or treat times trick or treat times madoff

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