Thursday 12 April 2012

Copper-Graphene Nanocomposite Cools Electronics Faster & Cheaper

Fabricating the level of density without leaking is very hard.

It's impossible. There is always leakage. Yes, as you scale, the leakage does grow, both empirically and as a signal/noise problem. But there are ways to minimize this. This has been foreseen for some time, and a lot of research goes into ways to mitigate it. Despite all the improvements made sub-surface - that is, how the semiconductor itself is altered - to allow scaling and improve efficiency, and how the tools and methods to make the devices have improved... the industry really hasn't had any radical changes in many years. It has been all planar designs that date back to the 70's. Sure, the materials have improved, and it's not entirely silicon any more... but still planar, and subject to some fundamental limits of the planar design and the substrate choice. That's why Intel is pushing into 3d designs. Do some reading on FINFETs, and the benefits of them, especially with respect to leakage and control. And that can still be silicon based, and doesn't push at all into heterogeneous semiconductor systems.

? Fabs are very ex[pensive to built.
Add to the the consumer need for faster clocks has tapered off, it's not worth the expense of massive retooling.

Oh [], really []? Why are the industry giants doing it, then? Smaller die - this improves speed and potential clock, can improve power efficiency, means more die/wafer or more advanced designs. Ability to do different etches, deposit different films, etc., to improve device characteristics.

Clockspeed isn't everything anyway, or we'd still be using the Pentium 4 chips that were pushing 4 GHz from the manufacturer, and not the 2 GHz-range Core 2/iX chips. Smart design can trump clockspeed. (I use Intel as an example here because they had the more recent significant architecture change which illustrates this point very well.) We could, y'know, go back to making Pentiums... with current manufacturing technology, we might make them, what, 1/8 the size? Could probably clock them at several GHz.

When they can get the metal well below 1 part per billion in the fabs, and create a process to minimize wafer breakage for wafer being cut so precisely, then we may see a doubling of clock speed 2 more times. Then that will be it.

What makes you think metal contaminants and wafer breakage are the limiting factors to clockspeed scaling? And from where do you get a "doubling of clock speed 2 more times" from? What are you considering the base clockspeed that you are multiplying? Seems like you're pulling it out of your ass. Think about it. We're doing 3 GHz+ already. Doubling that puts us in the 6-8 GHz range. Doubling again puts us in the 12-16 GHz range. That's what people above are claiming as the fundamental limit in a synchronous chip by the limit of the propagation of a signal in a metal. The speed of light in metal is in no way the limiting factor in clockspeed. That would be the case for a single wire in isolation. There are other effects, namely capacitive coupling, in a chip where you are wiring up billions of transistors, which are much more limiting. And we're tallking wires of non-negligible resistance here - if you want to put a bunch of small transistors close together, you need to be able to make really thin metal wires to connect to make the right connections. Assuming metal is the only interconnect, of course, and completely ignoring all the research into optical interconnects...

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