Wednesday 5 December 2012

The Art Teacher

The Art Teacher

Most people who saw her would claim that such beauty was rare, indeed. The art teacher was a raving beauty. She was brunette with hair that swirled over her shoulders and down her back. Even when bound up and tied back one had to marvel at the awesome full head of lustrous hair.

Her curves were definitely of the classical Greek nature and her green eyes were shadowed by long thick natural lashes. When she looked at you your heart might skip a beat and all you could do was stare back. Her beauty was mesmerizing.

Ms. Bochinas hated every moment of it. She would rather be an old hag than look the way she did. She would frown and think to herself, ?No public school teacher should look this way.? She was annoyed with her looks mostly because she had the heart, mind, and soul of a kindly and dedicated nun.

All Ms. Bochinas wanted was to be a portal of goodness that opened up to let the light of love and kindness shine into the world. She had always felt this way and as she matured she worried that her looks would be a distraction. That is when she began to downplay her appearance. It didn?t help.

She taught high school art and could transfix and inspire her students with ease. No one did-not love Ms. Bochinas because her warmth and goodness nearly surpassed her beauty. She had won teacher of the year at her school on 2 occasions due to her wonderful successes with the art students.

This year was to be transitional for Ms. Bochinas because she was incorporating the internet into her art course of study. The school had allowed her 6 brand new laptops for her classroom and she was eager to take her lessons to new heights. She was brimming with ideas.

She would teach her students to research the lives of famous artists. She would familiarize them with student friendly web sites and teach them how to critique and analyze works of art found in the online museums. Her students were in for a treat.

As she headed out of the school building that day, Ms. Bochinas automatically shifted into the mindset that kept her from worrying about her appearance and what people thought of it ? she started planning next week?s art lessons.

Ms Bochinas could not wait to start surfing the web for further lesson ideas. First, she would relax for a minute at her favorite online lounge then move on to the more serious school business ? The rest of the world was soon forgotten.


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