Tuesday 27 March 2012

Google+: The Charge Of The Like Brigade

simp2A recent post by a defecting Googler (at his new and previous home, Microsoft) suggests that a fundamental reordering of Google's priorities has made it far less than the company it once was. A sudden comprehension of the danger posed by Facebook's ever-expanding platform caused the company to enter a sort of berserker state, focusing solely on reinventing social while neglecting or amputating anything that didn't fit into its new mission. Or so the tale goes. There have been times recently when I've felt the need to deflect a few of the slings and arrows trained on Google. This time, however, they are well-deserved. Google's big bet was based on bad instincts, jealousy, and hubris — not the curiosity, experimentation, and agility that have characterized them theretofore. Could Google+ ever have been anything but a failure?

Source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/Techcrunch/~3/yoG4EHiDk0Q/

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