Friday 23 March 2012

Meditation And Tech

Much has been said about meditation and its profound benefits on the human health. So why don?t you have a meditation habit yet? If you?re finding it hard to make time to meditate each day, then the technology around you might be working against you.



How Technology Works Against Meditation.


We live in a world where everything is at our fingertips. Information we used to scour for in school libraries is now just a Google search away. But this is a double-edged sword ? now it?s much, much easier to hear or read about bad news? and be stressed out about it.


And we all know how hard it is to meditate in a high-stress environment. Whenever our spouse texts us about their bad day, or when we tune in to the news to hear about the day?s crimes and natural disasters, or when we check our e-mail newsletters for bad news about the economy? you get the idea.


So let?s keep tech on OUR side, yes? Here are 5 quick tips to lower your stress levels, meditate more easily, and finally reap the benefits of this age-old practice.


Tip #1 ? Clean Up Your Inbox.


Take 10-15 minutes each day to clean up your inbox ? deleting unread messages you have no plans of reading, turning off Facebook and Twitter notifications, and unsubscribing from newsletters you don?t care much for. Subscribe only to a few extra-helpful newsletter services, such as Fit Gizmo?s. Ahem.


Tip #2 ? Look For Meditation Music.


Either buy them from iTunes, or listen to them on YouTube. Here?s a tip ? you can loop any YouTube track endlessly at Just cut and paste the ?watch?v=nnnnn? part from the YouTube URL into the EndlessVideo URL.


Tip #3 ? Look For Guided Meditation Tracks.


If it?s too hard for you to settle into a meditative state all by yourself, then you might need guided meditation. These tracks often have soothing music and a vocal guide to your meditation session. Just click ?Play,? sit back, and follow the instructions. YouTube has a lot of these.


Tip #4 ? Create A ?Meditation? Playlist On Your Music Player.


Much of the meditation mindset is built while you?re NOT meditating. For the rest of the day, if you actively reduce and manage your stress, meditation becomes so much easier when the time for your sessions do come around. And with a music player filled with inspirational talks, guided meditation tracks, and soothing music, even the daily commute becomes a stress-reducing opportunity.


Tip #5 ? Turn Off The TV.


Because seriously, who needs TV these days? Everything you need is on the Web. TV is the biggest time-waster and income-reducer in your home, so watch less of it! At best, TV is a distraction ? but you can get more pleasure and relaxation from 15 minutes of meditation than several hours of brainless TV.


What about you? How do you let tech HELP your meditation habit instead of HINDER it? Sound off in the comments box below!

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