Monday 6 February 2012

Added Benefit of Whitetail Deer Hunting |

February 5th, 2012

I went on my first whitetail deer hunting trip this past fall and am surprised to admit how much I enjoyed the experience. My husband is an avid hunter and has tried for years to get me to go out in the woods with him, but until our children had left for college, I seemed to always have too much on my plate to try my hand at hunting. When my husband bought me a ladder stand for my birthday last year, I knew I had no more excuses not to join him and see what he enjoyed about the sport. After some target practice using my new bow, I felt ready for my first venture out into the woods. I quickly learned how my husband managed to eat as much as he did and not gain any weight while carrying the stand out into the woods, along with my bow, and by the time I got set up and in the tree, I was exhausted. While I didn?t get any deer this year, I did lose ten pounds thanks to the added exercise and loved how relaxing it felt to just sit quietly in the woods and enjoy the surroundings.


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