Thursday 21 February 2013

Video: Sideshow: Sarcasm gone wrong

>>> morphs into a right wing attack on chuck hagel and whether or not we can trust him as defense secretary . three easy steps. step one, the sarcastic joke from daily news recorder dan friedman who says, quote, when rumors swirled that hagel received speaking fees from controversial organizations, i attempted to check them out. on february 6th i called a republican aide on capitol hill with a question. did hagel senate critics know of controversial groups that he had addressed. had he given a speech to, say, the junior league of hezbollah in france and what with friends of hamas ? well, the names were so over the top , so linked to terrorism in the middle east that it was clear i was talking hypothetically. no one could take seriously the idea that organizations with those names existed. well, step two, cue one day after the joke, quote, secret hagel donor? white house spox ducks question on friends of hamas . so friends of hamas had spread and taken a turn for the serious. step three, others catch on.

>> the problem with hagel is the people who he was giving the speeches for and the people who he's been colluding and aligning with over the years. there was a report that came out last week, not confirmed yet, but we're also not denying it very vigorously that one of the groups behind the speeches may have been an outfit called friends of hamas .

>> let me bring up one piece of information that ben shapiro at breitbart put out today which is one of the foreign funders behind senator hagel that he has not disclosed formally is something called friends of hamas . if that is in fact true, senator, would that lead you to vote against mr. hagel ?

>> you know, i saw that information today also and that is more and more concerning. with each day there are new things coming out.

>> they call it information not yet confirmed. all the while acting on it as if it's real, making it real. well, a small sample of friends of hamas were in an uproar, bogus on bogus, that's what i have to say. friedman, the columnist, south dakota ben shapiro about where his friends of hamas information came from. he got this response. the story as reported is correct. whether the information i was given by the source is correct, i am not sure. so now we've come full circle . the breitbart reporter who started the brouhaha acknowledges that his story was a true report of something false. got it? friends of hamas has no basis in reality. the whole thing was an example of the right wing crazy world . finally, there's someone else to add to karl rove 's list of potential senate candidates who might just hurt the gop with moderate voters. failed alaska senate candidate joe miller is back. it's miller time again. politico reports today he's seriously considering another bid for the senate up in alaska, this time in 2014 . miller lost in 2014 to lisa murkowski , a fellow republican who launched a successful write-in campaign after losing in the primary. in case you forgot what miller brings to the table, let's recall his inspiration for border control , east germany .

>> east germany was very, very able to reduce the flow. now, obviously there are other things that were involved, but we have the capacity as a great nation to obviously secure our border. if east germany can do it, we can do it.

>> they shot people on sight seeking freedom. what do you think of someone who thinks of communist east germany as an american role model for the 21st century ? bring on miller if you like that thinking.

>>> up next, extreme makeover . not so much. the speakers at the cpac conference are a blast from the past . sarah palin , the new kid on the block, alan west , newt gingrich , my, new people. guess the republicans didn't get the message in the election. you're


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