Monday 30 January 2012

Quotes from Ron Paul???s Newsletters (ContributorNetwork)

The Florida primary is Tuesday, yet Rep. Ron Paul is campaigning in states like Maine and Nevada, both of which have caucuses. The Washington Post reported Paul's racially charged newsletters published in the 1990s might make it hard for him to win the overall GOP nomination. The New Republic released many of the newsletters for readers to view on their own.

Here are quotes from some issues of the "Ron Paul Survival Report" over the years when he was away from his time in Congress.

* "The rioting was led by red-flag carrying members of the Revolutionary Communist Party and the Workers World Party, both Trotskyite-Maoist. The police were allowed to intervene only when the rioters assaulted the famous Fairmont and Mark Hopkins hotels atop Nob Hill." -- A newsletter surrounding the race riots in California in June 1992. Paul asserted a friend of his, a business owner in San Francisco, claimed the riots were stoked by Communists as opposed to anger at the verdicts of the case.

* "AIDS was 'originally known as GRIDS -- gay related immune deficiency syndrome.' For political reasons it was changed to AIDS. ... The average homosexual has 1,000 or more partners in a lifetime, and the average homosexual has only one sexual encounter per partner and never sees the person again after that encounter." -- Paul's newsletter dated December 1989. The newsletter was defending Rep. Bill Dannemeyer, R-Calif., for speaking out against gays. The quotes in this particular newsletter came from Dannemeyer.

* "(Martin Luther) King, the FBI files show, was not only a world-class adulterer, he also seduced underage girls and boys. The Rev. Ralph David Abernathy revealed before his death that King had made a pass at him many years before. And we are supposed to honor this 'Christian minister' and lying socialist satyr with a holiday that puts him on par with George Washington?" -- Paul's newsletter dated December 1990. The publication railed on Martin Luther King Jr. Day, then praised the state of Arizona for not observing the holiday at the time.

* "Am I glad I voted in Congress against an expensive federal holiday for this man." -- Another newsletter dated February 1991 denouncing on the King holiday. There are dozens of newsletters quoted by The New Republic. The newsletters went under various names such as "Political Report" or "Freedom Report." One even went by the moniker "The Ron Paul Investment Letter."

William Browning is a research librarian specializing in U.S. politics. Born in St. Louis, Browning is active in local politics and served as a campaign volunteer for President Barack Obama and Missouri Sen. Claire McCaskill.


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