Monday 2 January 2012

Wendy Diamond: Animal Fair Media's 2011 Most Eligible Pets Will ...

Every year Animal Fair Media readers vote for the celebrity pet they believe are: The Most Eligible Pets. Hopeful contenders are 'wing pets' to some of the most recognizable media darlings from the sports, political and entertainment industries! Crowned Most Eligible Pets in past years include; Miley Cyrus, Felicity Huffman, Glenn Close and Perez Hilton's animal sidekicks. Animal Fair Media is proud to bark out the Most Eligible Pets of 2011!

Meet Justin Bieber's Biggest Fan - Sam!

Sam skyrocketed to instant fame the day teenage heartthrob and singer Justin Bieber singled him out and adopted him from a shelter. Maybe Sam was the muse behind Justin's hit song; Pick Me! Justin seems to be inspired by rescuing his furry best friend, and is increasingly vocal about the importance of adopting animals from local shelters. If all of Justin's fans worldwide, the true 'Beliebers' go out and adopt animals - the shelters would be empty! And all because of a little happy Papillion named Sam.

Life with Justin must be a whirlwind ride for Sam including tons of treats and notoriety! Surely Bieber's millions of fans consumed with the cureless 'Bieber Fever' would do anything to spend a day in Sam's paws. Animal Fair Media's Wendy Diamond quips," I've heard Bieber fever is contagious to everyone but Bieber himself. I guess Justin has Sam fever! Sam might be the most famous Papillion since Marie Antoinettes!"

Sam provides his global sensation pet parent with constant loyalty and pure puppy love. Since leaving the doghouse, Sam travels the world with Justin and rarely leaves his side except when Selena Gomez holds him. Sam's calming presence keeps Justin Bieber grounded, focused, and never lonely as he continues to blaze new trails of superstardom. With a wet nose, wagging tail, loving heart, and jet-setting lifestyle, Sam Bieber is Animal Fair Media's Most Eligible Pet of 2011.

Sandra Bullock And Her Three Adopted Dogs Are Incredibly Close

Oscar-winner Sandra Bullock is the true American girl next door, a hardworking Hollywood actress, and a genuine animal lover. Sandra is 'Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close' when it comes to her adopted pets! Her three-legged pooch, Poppy, a Chihuahua-Pomeranian mix was rescued from a Long Beach Rescue in 2006. When a woman heard she adopted a handicapped dog, she phoned Bullock and said she had a two-legged Chihuahua mix that also needed a home. Bullock touted, "Any dog that is missing something is welcome in our house," and agreed to rescue Ruby. She describes Ruby as a "little dinosaur, a Velociraptor," because she walks on her hind legs. Bullock is equally the proud pet-parent of Kernie, a Lab.

All three pets sleep with Bullock on her bed, but she doesn't mind. Bullock takes her dogs everywhere with her, joking with reporters, "Who is going to walk a two-legged dog?" She even installed special seat belts in her car to protect the dogs. Sandra added another adopted pup (of the human kind) to the brood, her son - Louis Bardo Bullock! Considering the commitment and care Bullock shows her canine kids, she's sure to be an excellent mother to this extremely lucky child. And those are three reasons her pets are amongst the most eligible this year!

Chelsea Handler Gets A Handle On Her Adopted Chunk

E! comedy queen and best-selling author Chelsea Handler is known for many things: her comedy, charisma, Playboy spread and no-nonsense humor is reminiscent of a Brit's dry wit. Chelsea is starring in the brand new NBC sitcom titled; Are You There, Chelsea? airing in January, based on her memoir "Are You There Vodka? It's Me Chelsea". Handler can add Most Eligible pet parent to the list thanks to her rescued canine, Chunk. Chunk was chosen as one of this year's most eligible pets because of his amazing rescue story, demonstrating Chelsea's true kindness, despite her sometimes-biting tongue.

Chelsea rescued Chunk when a friend showed her a photo of him, and informed her that Chunk would be redlined if no one adopted him. No joking matter! Chunk's Most Eligible alpha dog positioning will certainly propel him to more notoriety. Handler has already featured Chunk on the cover of her book, Chelsea Chelsea Bang Bang. But not everyone was happy with Chunk's addition to the Handler team. Chelsea hinted that Chelsea Lately co-host Chuy has some territorial issues, tweeting: "I just caught Chunk sleeping on Chuy's bean bag. Somebody is pissed."

The International Portuguese Water Dog Decision Maker

The world-renown Portuguese Water Dog and President Obama's best friend, Bo Obama makes the list! Bo was a gift to the Obama family from the Kennedy's after months of searching for the right hypoallergenic breed, a requirement due to first daughter, Malia's allergies. What an eligible life Bo has; he's the first dog, issued a White House baseball card (available by sending a self-addressed stamped envelope to the White House), wrote for the New York Times (with Ben Greenman's help), has access to the oval office, and even high-fived Oprah!

Bo's favorite food is tomato, celebrates snowstorms in Washington, and basks on the sunny beaches of Hawaii. Not to shabby! And at the end of a busy presidential day, Bo's position as most eligible seems quite secured. During Bo's press conference, President Obama emulated Truman's famous quote: "If you want a best friend in Washington, get a dog." And with the 2012 presidential election on the near horizon - we'll woof to that.

Oprah's Two Furry Priceless Gifts

Everything Oprah touches turns to gold. But when she adopts puppies, it's priceless, and they become Most Eligible Pets. On her 56th birthday Oprah gifted herself (and let's face it - the dogs too!) by adopting two 14-week-old Springer Spaniel puppies! These pups are uniquely eligible as they were adopted from PAWS, a no-kill shelter in the Chicago area. Oprah said about adopting, "In these tough times, what was so heartbreaking over at PAWS is that many people are forced to give up their dogs. If you can take care of your dog, have a home and room to spare, consider adopting from a shelter."

Oprah's birthday wish to add new Springer Spaniels to her brood happened when receiving a call from the shelter, and she was elated! Her rescued pups Sunny and Lauren have appeared on Oprah's television show and surely will continue to reap the rewards for being in the right place at the right time. Maybe since Oprah and the Obamas are such tight friends they can arrange a most eligible play date ... always good to have friends in high places!

Taylor Swift Sings About Bug & Meredith

It seems like nothing can stop country sweetheart singer and actress Taylor Swift's supernova rise to fame! But behind every strong woman there's an eligible pet (or two). In Taylor's case, it's her Miniature Pincher; Bug and her newly adopted Scottish Fold; Meredith. Taylor's protector Bug is Fearless and knows how to Speak Now. Taylor commented "he's like an attack dog, only smaller," but when you're Billboard's Woman of The Year, you might need some protection. Taylor's long list of accolades is truly impressive!

What most people might not know about Taylor is that she gives back whenever she can! In 2008, she donated thousands to the Red Cross in Cedar Rapids, Iowa to help victims. Taylor gave her own prom dress, which raised $1,200 for charity to and the final dress rehearsal for the North American leg of her Speak Now tour became a benefit concert for victims of recent tornadoes in the United States southeast region. No doubt her pets have become a source of inspiration, and that's why they are this year's most eligible!

John Hamm Is A Mad Man When It Comes To Cora

German Shepherd mix, Cora may be eligible, but that doesn't mean she's not hunting. When asked what other celebridog Cora might want to date, her pet parent, Mad Men actor Jon Hamm responded, "Jake Gyllenhaal's dog, he has a nice looking German Shepherd." It must run in the family!

Cora was adopted from LA's famed Much Love Rescue by celebrity couple Hamm and writer/actress Jennifer Westfeldt. Cora has received a certain reputation around Hollywood, not only for visiting her father on the set of his hit series, but also cruising the Hollywood dog park, which Hamm calls "a hot spot." Who knows, maybe this most eligible pet will one day run into, or even end up sniffing Gyllenhaal's dog after all.

Jane Lynch Finds Glee In Animal Adoption

Actor Jane Lynch is one of Hollywood's latest hot commodities and the Glee star's brood of pets as very eligible. Jane and her life partner Lara Embry share the joy of pet parenting; Wheaten Terrier - Georgie, Lhasa Apso - Olivia, and two cats, Riley and Greta. Jane's memoir, Happy Accidents was released Fall 2011, perhaps partly inspired by her pets! One of her break out appearances was in Christopher Guest's Best in Show and her role as Sue Sylvester in the television series Glee has made her a household name. She also has a recurring cameo in the hit television series Two and a Half Men.

Being the pet lover that she is, Jane has recorded PSA announcements promoting the societal importance of adopting animals from shelters. Jane makes a humorous comment about pet adoption, ''I will go to the animal shelter and get you a kitty cat. I will let you fall in love with that kitty cat. And then on some dark cold night, I will steal away into your house and punch you in the face." Animal Fair Media champions animal rescue and that's why Jane Lynch's pets are most eligible!

Lucky Diamond Breaks World Records & Hearts

This year Animal Fair Media's own Lucky Diamond made our most eligible list, but not because of her mother (Wendy Diamond)'s achievements, but because of her own. Recently Lucky was honored as The Guinness Book Of World Records most photographed dog with celebrities of all time (and always for a worthy cause)! Our rescued Maltese (who never reveals her age) has worked tirelessly this year to better the lives of disenfranchised animals globally and earned her spot on the coveted list.

Lucky, who is frequently seen on The Today Show, was a co-judge on CBS's Greatest American Dog, has co-authored numerous books with her latest book, It's a Dog's World. Lucky is also the Chair Dog of the Hurricane Katrina Pet Memorial Fund and has been working with the United Nations on raising awareness for endangered animals. And to think, Lucky's still single. Lucky thanks all the readers who voted for her and is thrilled to be recognized as one of the most eligible!




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